Home, sweet home

Hey beauties,

Yup, I’m home. It was great: I owe huge thanks to Via Rail, Dave Carmichael and Melissa Trottier, Stacey Ricker, Greg and Kate Moverley, Adam Faux, Kristy Hollidge, Alain Richer, Claire Rutledge, John Marlatt, James & Jane, JD Edwards, Jessee Havey, Erin Frith, Rachel Sawatzky, the entire Bachand family, Angel Bidinost, Longevity John, Milo-the-other-Joe, Greg & Anita Ross, Wild Heather Books, Stephanie in Nelson, the Art We Are in Kamloops, Fibonacci in Penticton, Shari Ulrich, the Roundhouse, the Treehouse, and Valdy’s Radio Hour. All of you made this possible. And until I can pay it back, I’ll pay it forward. Thank you.

So now, it’s back to normal. I’m practicing, writing, listening to a lot of vinyls, cleaning house. Couple of gigs coming up, more being booked. I’ll put up some vids. Howya been?